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Terres de Venus
Wine & Prehist
dessin.jpgEurope is rich in prehistoric sites which, little by little, are yielding the secrets of the evolution of our species.

The Paleolithic sites of Zafarraya in Spain, the Guattari cave in Italy or the Lagar Velho in Portugal respectively contain human remains such as a lower jaw bone which is more than 30,000 years old; a Neanderthal skull and a virtually complete skeleton of a four year old child.

The sites of Altamira (near Santander in Spain) and the Coã Valley in Portugal are points of reference for Rupestrian prehistoric art, listed by UNESCO as World Heritage sites.

In France, the science of prehistory dates officially from 1837.

We can understand the different degrees of civilization from Les Eyzies en Périgord or Lascaux in the Valley of Vézère in Perigord, from the cave of Chauvet in the Ardeche or the caves of Isturitz and Oxocelhaya in the Basque country, as well as from Brassempouy and many other sites.

French scientists and archeologists are world renowned for their work. It is therefore natural that TERRES De VENUS develops its activities at Brassempouy, between the vineyards of Bordeaux and those in the foothills of the Pyrenean Mountains.
