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Terres de Vénus
Terres de Vénus Odyssey
Wine & Prehist
Wild Vine
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Biodyn farming
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Terres de Venus
Terres de Vénus
bouteille.jpgWho are we? It began with the meeting of four enthusiastic individuals: Vincent Bourg, a writer and journalist; Frederic Nau, who is an oenologist and geologist; Alain Dutournier , the chef of the well-known restaurant ‘Carré des Feuillants’ in Paris (which has two Michelin rosettes) and Jean-Charles Boué who initiated the project. These four men, who are Gascons through and through, came together to make wine from wild vines on a prehistoric site. They will take you on an adventure looking for a flavor and a bouquet that goes back thousands of years!

What is the project?
Both the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) support this initiative.

Terres de Venus has assumed a role with great interest for the future. The project helps both biodiversity and the safeguard of our genetic heritage.

It encompasses the old methods of cultivation which respect the environment and it gives rise to the rebirth of a natural flavor.

The wild vine, Vitis sylvestris, which has all but disappeared today, is the only remaining depositary of a viticultural heritage which goes back to the Paleolithic era.

Terres de Venus is a programme of observation and experimentation which follows the gentle progress from the wild to the cultivated vine, as it was experienced by our ancestors.

What are we doing?
Terres de Venus aims to combine the pleasures of taste, working the land and nurturing the vine, together with a profound sense of responsibility towards the environment.

The farming methods used by Terres de Venus include using compost as fertiliser; using preparations made from plants (nettles and horsetail..), minerals (silica..) or animals (cow’s horn filled with dung and then buried for six winter months before being diluted and pulverized..)

The two major aspects of this project, which aims to make a prestigious wine on a prehistoric site, are the practice of biodynamic viticulture and the safekeeping of our genetic heritage.

Terres de Venus suggests you accompany us for at least five years in this journey beyond time.

In renting your parcel of wild vines (subject to availability) we offer you the possibility of becoming the producer of a great collector’s wine.

Terres de Venus does not aim principally to make wine as such nor to sell bottles! We will take care of all the pruning, looking after the vines, harvesting them and making the wine…

‘The fermented drink made from wild vines’ is an exceptional product only known to a few. To be able to taste it is a privilege reserved for our partners and their friends…