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Terres de Vénus
Terres de Vénus Odyssey
Wine & Prehist
Wild Vine
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Terres de Venus
Terres de Venus has planted wild vines in the south-west of France. In this time of genetically modified organisms (OGMs) the vines of Terres de Venus are very much in the spirit of the XXI century: the preservation of genotypes which have been with us for many thousands of years.
The wild vine is the depositary of a viticultural heritage, with the earliest trace taking us back to the Paleolithic era.
Thus, Terres de Venus would like to suggest you share a unique experience: become a winegrower to make a drink from wild vines, which are as exceptional as the prehistoric site of Brassempouy is prestigious.
It does not entail buying grapes but instead helping to safeguard the wild vine with all the uncertainties and pleasures of a winegrower.
To understand the origin of the vine, remember that there are two subspecies: on the one hand Vitis vinifera L. subsp sylvestris which is the wild vine, which for simplicity is called Vitis sylvestris. On the other hand Vitis vinifera L. subsp vinifera (or subsp sativa), which is the cultivated subspecies is commonly called Vitis vinifera.
To make wine from wild vines, on a prehistoric site such as Brassempouy, is an initiative which assumes great cultural, historical and scientific interest. It illustrates the journey of the vine from its wild to its cultivated state as experienced by our ancestors 5000 years ago.
Most wild vines are dioecious (i.e. there are both male and female plants) whilst the cultivated vine is hermaphrodite. The European wild vine only survives in a few rare niches, including the far western end of the Pyrenean mountain chain. Since the XIX century the wild vine has become endangered and all but disappeared due to disease and pests (downy mildew, powdery mildew, phylloxera …) as well as the actions of man through deforestation and the use of herbicides.
It is from this region in south-west France, which is so rich in prehistoric vestiges, that Terres de Venus allows us to discover forgotten flavours and fragrances…